Interpersonal and Psychodynamic Leadership


Temps présentiel : 35 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 150 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Exposé oral

Référence :
The Power of Positive Leadership: How and Why Positive Leaders Transform Teams and Organizations and Change the World –Jon Gordon- 2017 - Theory U: Leading from the Future as It Emerges – O. Scharmer- 2009 - What do you say after you say Hello- E.Berne-1972 - Action Inquiery: The secret of timely and transforming leadership- D.Rooke & W.Torbert- 2004 - Talk,Inc: How trusted leaders use conversation to power their organizations-B.Groysberg & M.Slind-2012 - Compelling people:The hidden qualities that make us influencial-M.Kohut & J.Neffinger-2013 - Good to great- J.Collins-2001 - Appreciative Inquiry: A Positive Revolution in Change Paperback –D. Cooperrider & D. Whitney-2005 - Managerial grid : leadership styles for achieving production through people– R. Mouton& J.Blake -1966

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Master en leadership et gestion des ressources humaines