Master Thesis

During the 4th semester, students must complete a professional internship in a company or research work in a laboratory for a period of 4 months on a topic related to AI. • A student has the choice between: − An internship in a company lasting 3 to 4 months, in a company on a theme related to AI, concluded by writing and defending a professional report. − A research topic lasting 3 to 4 months in a laboratory recognized by the scientific committee, concluded by writing and defending a research paper. • The internships will take place in companies in Lebanon or abroad. The scientific responsibility for the internship is provided jointly by the company and a teacher from USJ or a partner university. This internship, for a minimum of one semester, aims to develop all the skills necessary for an AI specialist: − Bibliographic search. − Study of the state of the art. − Proposal and implementation of solutions. • The research takes place in a laboratory either in Lebanon or in an external institution. Scientific responsibility for this research is provided by the research professor (s) who supervise them. This work, of a minimum duration of one semester, aims to develop the necessary skills to carry out a research work: − Bibliographic search. − Critical analysis of the state of the art. − Proposals and implementations of solutions. − Proposals and outlets for thesis work.

Temps présentiel : 32 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 500 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Stage professionnel

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Master en intelligence artificielle