
This course unit provides a comprehensive overview of the field of bioinformatics and its constantly evolving tools. By the end of this course, students will have the essential bioinformatics skills needed to successfully conduct a research project. The first section focuses on utilizing databases such as NCBI, KEGG, EMBL, and SBI, and on the storage and organization of bibliographic and biological data. Subsequently, the second part will focus on the analysis of nucleotide and protein sequences. This includes characterizing these sequences, mRNA and CDS sequences identification, alignment, blast, primer design, identifying and extracting SNPs and InDels, and constructing phylogenetic trees. Moreover, Next, protein domain analysis will be the subject of the final section of the course. Tools such as CDART and Phyre2 will enable the comparison of proteins based on their domains rather than their sequences. Finally, the last chapter will illustrate the role of bioinformatics in constructing recombinant DNA. Students will be invited to use tools like Benchling. At the end of each section, students will apply the acquired concepts through practical exercises. Their partial and final grades will each be based on a project encompassing the various concepts learned.

Temps présentiel : 12.5 heures

Charge de travail étudiant : 50 heures

Méthode(s) d'évaluation : Projets

Ce cours est proposé dans les diplômes suivants
 Licence en sciences de la vie et de la terre - biochimie